Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Not Alone

For the first time in 13 years, my husband has finally decided to make a change in his diet. His issue is that he's too proud to admit that he's not happy with his weight so he keeps on eating like he still has the metabolism of a 15 year-old. Truth be told, his belly is that of a 7 month pregnant woman.

It wasn't easy to get him to join me on my weight loss journey. As a matter of fact, we're currently betting against one another to see who can reach their small goal weight first by the end of July. Loser pays the winner $500. Sure, it's a hefty price but we both know that that money is going back to us anyway so it's not so bad. I think we just needed a shiny prize so we can remember to keep our eyes on it when we're feeling unmotivated.

I'm really excited that he's doing this with me. When your partner supports you 110%, there's no reason to fail and I feel that with both of us on the same page, we can encourage each other to keep going and not give in to cheat foods. I honestly feel that after we reach our small goal weight, he'll see how good it feels to eat healthy and feel healthy that he'll continue this journey with me to make this a total lifestyle change.

Image from https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjIXEkYtfmtDd-DzfLISU56MpTWYOziAaEURcoFmREUiLVNTZn0BcsVFb4WhumnFEC05NcdOwKoed8W-H5FxM7L63FOQmvmUdR7xT-bHFcjl5Xyl1AKwEnKmxdk59Moa14EWw4BMuMaXxUT/s1600/IMG_8075.JPG